Katka García

Katka García

We can listen to Katka's beautiful voice in a number of songs of Poetic Fellowship.

She met the Poetic Fellowship, when she came to Bilbo's birthday celebration on romantic Ketkov castle, then she joined the Fellowship and started to compose her own songs.

According to Katka's memories she (as a true scout) set out for unspecified cottage near to Ketkovice alone and o her own. The driver was listenening to a tolkienistic lecture at the university, where the planned celebration was mentioned. She met Petr Bohdan and Jitka Žídková (Crhová) on the celebration and her acting in Poetic Fellowship for many years was destinated then.

Katka currently stays in Ireland most of the time dealing with her professional singer career.


Member of

Poetické společenstvo
Poetické Hudební Společenstvo

Additional info

Katka zpívá a hraje už delší dobu profesionálně nejprve v Dún an Doras a nyní se skupinou Garcia